Friday, 15 November 2019


I know that some people get upset with me when I say this, but the IDE is really fast and stable. It will contain the results of parsing the command line when TOptionsRegistry. Recently, they added another little gem to that list — TCommandLineParser. It also makes it really easy to build clients to consume the services. This one has a switch, but it takes a value, because the Option. As usual, Delphi wraps up the functionality in a set of components, making it pretty easy for you to get the job done in a jiffy. Add the following method to your form: nick hodges coding in delphi

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For instance, his series on Poka-yoke Design is just fantastic.

Coding in Delphi

If you want to build a mobile application that a million people will use, you can do it with the BaaS stuff via either Kinvey or Parse. Parse method will then parse out the command line and fill in the values of the class we defined above.

Except when I'm not, in which case, you shouldn't agree with me.

Press F9 and you should see something like this: And that is about it. By Nick at May 10, Then, add the following code to the implementation part of the unit you can leave the interface section empty: Augusto rated it really liked it Dec 19, It will contain the results of parsing the command line when TOptionsRegistry.

But going forward, I'll be blogging at the above link. Visit and be amazed. This will take some getting used to, but things move forward, and this is the way that things are going.

Nick Hodges New Book: Dependency Injection In Delphi | The Podcast at

I wonder what will happen to the existing ones that support NNTP. This is the file that will hold the class that will end up with all of the command line parameter values. It also makes it really easy to build clients to consume the services.

nick hodges coding in delphi

I see three places where the community can communicate and get questions answered. HasValue property is set to True. However, I strongly recommend that you agree with pretty much everything I say because, well, I'm right. Overall, I love going to Australia and was honored delpih be asked.

Flotsam and Jetsam 84 By Nick at June 07, The PrintUsage method parses out all the registered parameters, grabs all the switch and parameter values, as well as the help string you passed in, and creates a string that shows the proper usage of the hodgse.

Nick Hodges | A man's got to know his limitations

This is pretty cool. These are defined by the first two parameters of the call to RegisterOption. I highly recommend these events. I've decided to start blogging at a new location: In this case, it simply prints out the del;hi passed in to it.

I want to mention yet again how much I appreciate all of you who have bought my book. Now for using the application.

nick hodges coding in delphi

Press F9 and you should see something like this:. You should go, too. Put the following code in the OnChange event for Edit1: Writing a book is a lot of work, but I will say, it's quite satisfying to hold the book in your hand and see your name on Amazon.

Make sure that the directory where you put TCommandLineParser is on your path, either for the application you just created or as part of your library path for Delphi.

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